
Simple and Quick iOS app

AstroEdit redefines Seestar image processing—makes it Simple and Quick

Use your creativity with help from advanced AI tools to transform your Seestar night sky images quickly and easily right on your iPhone or iPad

noise reduction
Star reduction
Gradient Removal
satellite Trail Removal

Take your Seestar images to higher level with help from our innovative app. Here’s what users enthusiastically share about their AstroEdit experience.

I’m just getting started…I don’t need or want anything fancy…This application allows me to quickly and easily do just that. Its minimalistic approach makes it easy for a beginner like me to grasp.

Definitely recommend!


United States

The app is easy to use and produces nice results fast.




It’s actually a very good and simple app for doing some basic processing on your astrophotography….For the price it is, it does a very good job


United Kingdom

AstroEdit AI features are not available in any other mobile app, including noise reduction, star reduction, gradient elimination, and satellite trail elimination. Enhance your Seesgtar astrophotography with ease and create stunning sky visuals effortlessly.

Download the app from the Apple App Store. AI tools are included.

Yes, AstroEdit includes a step-by-step guide right in the app to help you if you need it. Access it by clicking the book-shapped icon in the top menu.

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